
powershell compare two csv files and output differences

 I had to compare data returned from two APIs - one JSON another XML so

1. I used this  viewer to convert json to csv and this app to save xml to csv

2. I used this PowerShell to show difference between two csv files:

Start-Transcript -Path result-10.csv

$mas = Import-Csv 1.csv
$marko = Import-Csv 2.csv

#converting one csv into hashmap for quicker search
foreach($r in $mas){
    foreach($a in ${

echo "fieldName,csv1,csv2"

    foreach($r in $marko){
        foreach($a in ${

            if ($md.ContainsKey($k)){
                if ($md[$k] -ne $a.value){
                  echo "$($,$($a.value),$($md[$k])"

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