
tmux session management

In tmux, you can create a new session using the tmux command followed by the new-session command. Here's the basic syntax:

tmux new-session -s session_name

Replace session_name with the desired name for your new session. If you don't specify a name, tmux will assign a default name.

Here are a few examples:

  1. To create a new session named "mysession":

  • tmux new-session -s mysession
  • To create a new session without specifying a name:

    1. tmux new-session

    After running the new-session command, you will be switched to the new session. You can then use tmux commands to manage and navigate between sessions.

    Here are some useful tmux session management commands:

    • Switching between sessions:

      • Switch to the last session: tmux switch-client -n
      • Switch to a specific session by name: tmux switch-client -t session_name
    • Listing sessions:

      • List existing sessions: tmux list-sessions or tmux ls
    • Detaching from a session:

      • Detach from the current session (leave it running in the background): tmux detach-client
    • Attaching to a session:

      • Attach to the last session: tmux attach
      • Attach to a specific session by name: tmux attach -t session_name
    • Killing a session:

      • Kill a session: tmux kill-session -t session_name

    Remember that you can customize the key bindings and create scripts to simplify these commands based on your preferences. To customize tmux behavior, you can add configurations to your ~/.tmux.conf file.

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