
c# custom webservice logging and error handling

//step1.declare delagate
public delegate T UnSafeProcedure<T>();

/*step2. add performance and error handling methods */
        public string Concat(params object[] arguments)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var item in arguments)
                sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\",", item);
            return sb.ToString();

        public T RunSafe<T>(UnSafeProcedure<T> s, params object[] arguments)
            DateTime st = DateTime.Now;
               return  s();
            catch (Exception e1)
                    Debug.Write("Error," + Concat(arguments) + "\r\n" + e1.ToString());
                return default(T);
                var sec = DateTime.Now.Subtract(st).TotalSeconds;
                if (sec > 20)
                    string tm = ">20sec,start," + st.ToLongTimeString() + ",End," + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
                    Debug.Write(tm+ Concat(arguments));

/*3.performance counting procedures will looks like:*/

public Receipt VerifyUser(int Id, string username, string password)
           return  RunSafe<Receipt>(delegate()
                //internal procedure that needs to be chcked troubleshooted
                using (var service = Instance())
                    return service.VerifyAccount(Id, username, password);

            }, "VerifyUser,facilityId",Id,"username",username,"password",password);

1 comment:

admin said...

or parametreless function will be :
public void RunSafe(UnSafeVoid s, params object[] arguments)
DateTime st = DateTime.Now;
catch (Exception e1)
log("Error," + Concat(arguments) + "\r\n" + e1.ToString());


public delegate void UnSafeVoid();

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