
jsonarray example in c#

public List<TwtAuthor> Search(string kw, int page)
List<TwtAuthor> ret = new List<TwtAuthor>();

string url =
"{0}&rpp=100&include_entities=true&result_type=mixed&page{1}",kw.Replace(" ","%20"),page);

JsonObject jsonArray = JsonArray.Load(wl.GetStream(url)).ToJsonObject();

for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray["results"].Count; i++)

TwtAuthor author = new TwtAuthor()
name = jsonArray["results"][i]["from_user"].ToString().Replace("\"",""),
UserID = jsonArray["results"][i]["from_user_id"].ToString(),
KwmimText = jsonArray["results"][i]["text"].ToString(),
// KwmimDate = DateTime.Parse(jsonArray["results"][i]["created_at"].ToString()), // entry.Published,
RecordCreated = DateTime.Now

return ret;


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