
restart service remotely and copy service files bat file.

set comd=copy /V /Y /B
set srv_com=c:\tools\SysInternals\psservice.exe
set src=C:\ms_projects\mscore\EnterpriseBusinessSystem\Dev\BillingSchedule\src\Business.CustomerServices\bin\Debug\
set dest=\\development\c$\Program Files\Processing Services\
set srvname="Processing Service"

%srv_com% \\development stop %srvname%
sleep 10s

%comd% "%src%Business.CustomerServices.dll" "%dest%"
%comd% "%src%Business.CustomerServices.pdb" "%dest%"

rem %comd% "%src%*.dll" "%dest%"
rem %comd% "%src%*.pdb" "%dest%"

%srv_com% \\development start %srvname%

echo on

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