
postback example in asp.net

// On the button control, inside the event
// Check if indicating to continue or intercept, open the popup,
// and define the callback with the "sender" (the button itself)
if (!(bool)Session["IsAllowed"])
// Open popup to enter the password, and define a callback
"openwindow", "<script>window.open('http://myurl.aspx'" +
",'title');" +
"myPage_Callback = function(){" +
Page.GetPostBackEventReference((System.Web.UI.Control)sender,"") +
"};" +

// On popup window, on event of the submit button
// Calls the __doPostBack callback js function on the opener and closes the popup.
Session["IsAllowed"] = true;
"closewindow", "<script>window.opener.window.myPage_Callback();" +
"window.close();" +

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