
Gvim editor new tips

da< - Delete the HTML tag the cursor is currently inside of the whole tag, regardless of just where the cursor is.
ci" -Change the content of a doublequote-delimited string.

da[ - Delete the [] region around your cursor
vi' - Visual select everything inside '' string
ya( - Yank all text from ( to )

See :help text-objects.

:e! - Reopen the current file, getting rid of any unsaved changes
gg=G - AMAZING If you're coding, gg will bring you to the top of the file, and =G will auto indent (=) everything to the bottom of the file (G)
gq - reset the entire selection to be wrapped correctly.
=% - Indents the block between two braces/#ifdefs
== - Indents current line
d% - delete till parrent - cursor can be not on opening tag
ft - move to the next occurrence of t and
tt - to move to the char before t

Macros are stored in registers, these are the same registers that can be used
for copy paste. So say you record a macro to register q you can paste it into a
document with "qp, edit it, then select it and cut it back into the register
with "qd.


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