
Local sequence cannot be used in LINQ to SQL implementation of query operators except the Contains() operator

System.NotSupportedException: Local sequence cannot be used in LINQ to SQL implementation of query operators except the Contains() operator

Method has no supported translation to SQL

The cause of these errors may be mismatch b/w server and client side properties.
Or b/w properties those have SQL presentation and that hasn't:

private IQueryable<Invoice> AttachInvoices(LinqDataObjectsDataContext dc,string sInvoices) {
List<InvArg> ral = new List<InvArg>();
ral = (List<InvArg>)CXMLConv.Load(sInvoices, ral.GetType(), "ArrayOfInvArg") ;
IEnumerable<InvArg> ra = ral;

var inv = from i in dc.Invoices
join r in ra on i.InvoiceID equals r.InvoiceID
select i;
return inv;

must be modified to :

private List<Invoice> AttachInvoices(LinqDataObjectsDataContext dc,string sInvoices) {
List<InvArg> ral = new List<InvArg>();
ral = (List<InvArg>)CXMLConv.Load(sInvoices, ral.GetType(), "ArrayOfInvArg");

long[] s=ral.Select(p => p.InvoiceID).ToArray();

var inv = from i in dc.Invoices
where s.Contains(i.InvoiceID)
select i;

return inv.ToList();


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