
add google search to website

To add google search box please copy code below. (replace with your address)
Also you can get free virus protection from google within google pack.

<input class="BlogSearch" type="text" name="searchBox" id="blogSearchText" value="" onkeypress="return blogSearch(event, this);">
<input type="button" value="Search" onclick="return blogSearch2('blogSearchText');" class="BlogSearchButton">
<script type="text/javascript">

function blogSearch(event, oInput) {
var keyCode = (event) ? event.keyCode : keyStroke.which;
if (keyCode == 13) {
top.location = '' + escape(oInput.value) + '';
return false;
} return true;

function blogSearch2(oInputId) {
var oInput = document.getElementById(oInputId);
top.location = '' + escape(oInput.value) + '';
return false;

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