
List XMl serialization/deserialization

To serialize list by using class in previous post :

List<DefaultFeeForNewInvoice> fees = new List<DefaultFeeForNewInvoice>();
fees.Add(new DefaultFeeForNewInvoice() { FeeAmount = (decimal)4.5, FeeSubTypeID = 13, PaymentSourceID = 4 });
fees.Add(new DefaultFeeForNewInvoice() { FeeAmount = (decimal)4.5, FeeSubTypeID = 13, PaymentSourceID = 4 });
fees.Add(new DefaultFeeForNewInvoice() { FeeAmount = (decimal)4.5, FeeSubTypeID = 13, PaymentSourceID = 4 });

string str=CXMLConv.toXML(fees);

But for deserialization it'e required to use different method:

/// <summary>
/// Deserialize List dotnet/csharp
/// fees_con = (List<DefaultFeeForNewInvoice>) CXMLConv.Load(str_con, fees_con.GetType(), "ArrayOfDefaultFeeForNewInvoice");
/// </summary>
/// <param name="XMLString">The XML string.</param>
/// <param name="t">The type</param>
/// <param name="RootElementName">Name of the root element.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public object Load(string XMLString, Type t, string RootElementName)

XmlSerializer mySerializer =
new XmlSerializer(t, new XmlRootAttribute(RootElementName));

StringReader myReader =
new StringReader(XMLString);

return mySerializer.Deserialize(myReader);


sample of the call:

fees_con = (List<DefaultFeeForNewInvoice>) CXMLConv.Load(str_con, fees_con.GetType(), "ArrayOfDefaultFeeForNewInvoice");


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