
How to blog source code from gVim

you have to :
let html_use_css = 1
to your _vimrc

2.add these style (depends on your current color scheme) to blog template

<style type="text/css">
.Statement { color: #a0ffa0; }
.Comment { color: #507080; }
.StorageClass { color: #a0a0ff; background-color: #103040; }
.Type { color: #a0a0ff; }
.Conditional { color: #a0ffa0; background-color: #103040; }
.Constant { color: #00cdcd; background-color: #103040; }
.pre { font-family: monospace; color: #e0eee0; background-color: #103040; }
.code { font-family: monospace; color: #e0eee0; background-color: #103040; }

3.Use :TOhtml command for create html file from selected part of source code.
4.Install script from here and Use \blog command calling python script to post file on your blog.


Unknown said...

How are titles picked up? From the first line of the current VIM editor content?

From a pass through the code, I see a line like entry.title = atom.Title(title_type='xhtml', text=fileHandle.readline() )

badbot said...

Hi, title is first line of your post.

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