
C# Anonymous methods , "generic" exception handling

this is why C# Anonymous methods are cool :
Below is one of top classes of winservice/remote rule application server.
Methods of this top class must handle exception and be rock-stable.
Instead of handling exception in every overloaded method "Rule"
I can pass anonymous method into one/major and handle exception there.
Here's sample :

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

namespace BusinessRules.Reactor


    /// <summary>

    /// Control panel is central dispatcher and  Rules-Runner

    /// </summary>

   public class ControlPanel


       public Result Rule(int EnityType, string ReferenceID, int ruleid)


           BasicProperties p = new BasicProperties();

           p.ReferenceID = ReferenceID;

           Result res = Rule(p, delegate() {return Storage.getRule(Storage.GetEntityID(EnityType, ReferenceID), ruleid); });          

           return res;



       public Result Rule(RuleProperties RuleProperties ,int EnityType, string ReferenceID,int ruleid){            

           return Rule(RuleProperties, delegate() {


                                                          Storage.getRule(Storage.GetEntityID(EnityType, ReferenceID),




       public Result Rule(RuleProperties RuleProperties, int ruleid) {

           return Rule(RuleProperties, delegate() { return Storage.getRule(ruleid); });



       public delegate ConcreteRule GetRule();

       public Result Rule(RuleProperties RuleProperties, GetRule rule_get){

            Result res= new Result();



                ConcreteRule rule = rule_get();



                res = rule.Result;

            }catch (AssertionException aex){                


                res.ExeptionHappend = aex.ToString();

                res.Status = enResultStatus.Collision;

                res.Description = aex.Message;

            } catch ( Exception ex) {

                res.ExeptionHappend = ex.ToString();

                res.Status = enResultStatus.UnhandledException;

                res.Description = ex.Message;


            return res;




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