
BinBuilder - equivalent of StringBuilder for binary objects

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class BinBuilder

    public BinaryWriter writer;
    public MemoryStream requestMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();

    public BinBuilder(string a)
        : this(ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(a))

    public  BinBuilder(byte[] init):this()

    public void Append(ushort us)

    public void AppendCRC(ushort us)
        var a=BitConverter.GetBytes(us);

    public void Append(char us)

    public void Append(byte[] init)

    public BinBuilder()
        writer = new BinaryWriter(requestMemoryStream);

    public byte[] ToArray()
        return requestMemoryStream.ToArray();


tsql SEQUENCE create usage and list of current values

CREATE SEQUENCE dbo.GenericSequenceNumber
 MAXVALUE 999999

SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.bbGenericSequenceNumber

--to list all of sequesnces inlcuding their values do:
  cast(start_value AS NUMERIC)   AS start_value,
  cast(increment AS NUMERIC)     AS increment,
  cast(current_value AS NUMERIC) AS current_value
FROM sys.sequences;


Fix Error 0x800F0954 Installing .NET Framework 3.5 or Any Optional Feature

[Fix] Error 0x800F0954 Installing .NET Framework 3.5 or Any Optional Feature

If the error 0x800f0954 occurs installing optional Windows features, it may be because the system is unable to access the Windows Update server. This is especially true in case of domain-joined computers which is configured to downloads updates from a WSUS server. It could also be possible that your computer was once a part or a corporate or domain network and the group policy setting is still in place.

Method 1: Bypass WSUS to Install Features/Updates Directly from Windows Update

To fix the problem, temporarily bypass WSUS server using the following registry edit (requires administrator privileges).

  1. Right-click Start, and click Run
  2. Type regedit.exe and click OK
  3. Go to the following registry key:
  4. On the right-pane, if the value named UseWUServer exists, set its data to 0
  5. Exit the Registry Editor
  6. Restart Windows.


imagemagic add text to image

rem different types of text annotations on existing images
rem cyan yellow orange gold 
rem -gravity SouthWest
rem draw text and annotate
rem C:\me\tools\magic\convert.exe  -fill cyan -pointsize 120 -gravity center -draw "text 0,300 '%~1' "   %2  out%2
rem  C:\me\tools\magic\convert.exe %2  -undercolor white -pointsize 120 -gravity SouthWest -fill cyan  -annotate 0      %1 out%2

rem - klasnij horizontal append
rem C:\me\tools\magic\convert.exe %2  -background white -pointsize 120 label:%1  -gravity Center -append    out%2
rem C:\me\tools\magic\convert.exe %2 ( -size 600x -background red -fill black label:%1 -rotate 90 -trim +repage ) -gravity west -geometry +20+0 -composite out%2 
rem wow pashe vertical append 
rem C:\me\tools\magic\convert.exe %2 ( -size 1000x -background white -fill black label:%1 -rotate 90 -trim +repage ) -gravity east  +append out%2 

rem changing image size with horisontal append 
rem C:\me\tools\magic\convert.exe %2 ( -size 1500x -background white -fill black label:%1  -trim +repage ) -gravity east  +append out%2 

rem cool annotation with changing image size 
C:\me\tools\magic\convert.exe %2 ( -size 1500x -background white -fill black label:%1  -trim +repage ) -gravity center -append out%2

note that %~1 is command line argument without double quotes.


powershell compare two csv files and output differences

 I had to compare data returned from two APIs - one JSON another XML so

1. I used this  viewer to convert json to csv and this app to save xml to csv

2. I used this PowerShell to show difference between two csv files:

Start-Transcript -Path result-10.csv

$mas = Import-Csv 1.csv
$marko = Import-Csv 2.csv

#converting one csv into hashmap for quicker search
foreach($r in $mas){
    foreach($a in $r.psobject.properties){

echo "fieldName,csv1,csv2"

    foreach($r in $marko){
        foreach($a in $r.psobject.properties){

            if ($md.ContainsKey($k)){
                if ($md[$k] -ne $a.value){
                  echo "$($a.name),$($a.value),$($md[$k])"

tmux session management

In tmux, you can create a new session using the tmux command followed by the new-session command. Here's the basic syntax:

tmux new-session -s session_name

Replace session_name with the desired name for your new session. If you don't specify a name, tmux will assign a default name.

Here are a few examples:

  1. To create a new session named "mysession":

  • tmux new-session -s mysession
  • To create a new session without specifying a name:

    1. tmux new-session

    After running the new-session command, you will be switched to the new session. You can then use tmux commands to manage and navigate between sessions.

    Here are some useful tmux session management commands:

    • Switching between sessions:

      • Switch to the last session: tmux switch-client -n
      • Switch to a specific session by name: tmux switch-client -t session_name
    • Listing sessions:

      • List existing sessions: tmux list-sessions or tmux ls
    • Detaching from a session:

      • Detach from the current session (leave it running in the background): tmux detach-client
    • Attaching to a session:

      • Attach to the last session: tmux attach
      • Attach to a specific session by name: tmux attach -t session_name
    • Killing a session:

      • Kill a session: tmux kill-session -t session_name

    Remember that you can customize the key bindings and create scripts to simplify these commands based on your preferences. To customize tmux behavior, you can add configurations to your ~/.tmux.conf file.


    what is best javascript framework for showing large grids of data (research)

    As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, some popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries for displaying large grids of data include:

    1. Ag-Grid:

      • Description: Ag-Grid is a feature-rich data grid that is highly customizable and optimized for large datasets. It supports a wide range of features such as sorting, filtering, grouping, and virtual scrolling.
      • Website: Ag-Grid
    2. React Data Grid:

      • Description: React Data Grid is part of the AdapTable library and is built specifically for React applications. It offers features like sorting, filtering, and customizable cell rendering.
      • Website: React Data Grid
    3. Handsontable:

      • Description: Handsontable is a data grid library that provides a spreadsheet-like interface. It supports features like sorting, filtering, and data validation.
      • Website: Handsontable
    4. SlickGrid:

      • Description: SlickGrid is a fast, customizable, and lightweight grid control. It's designed for handling large amounts of data with features like sorting, filtering, and cell editing.
      • GitHub: SlickGrid
    5. Vue Table Component:

      • Description: Vue Table Component is a simple and lightweight grid component for Vue.js. It allows you to display data with features like sorting and pagination.
      • GitHub: Vue Table Component
    6. DataTables:

      • Description: DataTables is a jQuery-based plugin that provides a flexible and feature-rich solution for displaying data in tables. It supports server-side processing for handling large datasets.
      • Website: DataTables
    7. Angular Material Table:

      • Description: Angular Material provides a table component that is well-integrated with Angular. It supports features like sorting, pagination, and filtering.
      • Documentation: Angular Material Table

    Keep in mind that the "best" framework or library depends on your specific requirements, such as the framework you are using (React, Angular, Vue, etc.) and the features you need. Additionally, the landscape may have evolved, and new libraries may have been introduced since my last update. Always check the latest documentation and community feedback to make an informed decision.


    midnight commander shortcuts cheatsheet

     In the shortcuts below, "C" stands for CTRL and "A" stands for "ALT". This is a convention

    used in the Midnight Commander documentation and was kept here.
    You can also use "ESC" instead of "ALT", which is useful on Macbooks.
    Main View
    - File/directory operations
        F3                        View file
        Shift + F3                View raw file (disregard extension)
        F5                        Copy selected files
        F6                        Move selected files
        Shift + F6                Rename file under cursor
        Shift-F4                  Create a new file
        C-x d                     Compare directories
        C-x c                     Chmod dialog
        C-x o                     Chown dialog
        C-x C-s                   Edit symlink
        C-x s                     Create symlink dialog
        C-x l                     Create hard link dialog
        C-x v                     Run relative symbolic link tool on selected or tagged items
        C-x a                     List active VFS directories
    - Selection
        Insert / C-t              Select/deselect file
        *                         Invert selection on files
        +                         Specify file selection options (including custom pattern)
        -                         Same as above, but for deselecting
    - Navigation
        TAB /  / C-i              Jump from one panel to the other
        F9                        Select the top menu bar
        Esc Esc                   Quickly dismiss menus/pop-ups (skip the timeout for "Single press" from the configuration)
        A-c                       Quick cd dialog
        A-?                       Search dialog
        C-s                       Search for item
        A-s                       Incremental search (A-s again to jump to next occurence)
        A-y                       Move to the previous directory in the directory history
        A-u                       Move to the next directory in the directory history
        A-Shift-h                 Show path history
        C-\                       Directory Hotlist
        C-p / Up arrow            Move selection bar to the previous entry in the panel
        C-n / Down arrow          Move selection bar to the next entry in the panel
        A-g                       Move selection bar to the first visible item in the panel
        A-r                       Move selection bar to the middle item in the panel
        A-j                       Move selection bar to the last visible item in the panel
        A-v / Page up             Move selection bar one page up
        A-p / Page down           Move selection bar one page down
        A-< / Home                Move selection bar to the top (first entry)
        A-> / End                 Move selection bar to the bottom (last entry)
    - Display
        C-r                       Refresh current panel
        C-u                       Swap panels
        A-,                       Toggle panel layout (horizontal/vertical)
        C-x i                     Toggle other panel to information mode
        C-x q                     Toggle other panel to quick view mode
        A-i                       Make the other panel show the same directory as the current
        A-o                       Display the contents of the highlighted dir in the other panel
        A-t                       Change panel view (full, brief, long)
        A-.                       Toggle "Show Hidden Files" feature
    - Command prompt
        C-o                       Drop to the console
        A-Enter                   Put the name of the highlighted file on command line
        C-x t                     Put the name of the selected items on command line
        C-Shift-Enter             Put the full path of the highlighted file on command line
        A-a / C-x p               Put the full path of the pane directory on the command line
        A-h                       Show command history
        A-n / A-p                 Navigate up/down through the command history
        C-x !                     External Panelize (fill current panel with the output of a command)
        C-x j                     Show background jobs
        F2-@                      Run a command on the currently highlighted item, e.g.:
            F2-@ unzip                Unzip selected file
            F2-@ zip -r foo.zip       Zip current directory as foo.zip
            F2-@ 7za x                Extract selected file with 7zip
            F2-@ 7za a foo.7z         7zip current directory as foo.7z
    - Others
        Shift-F10                 Quiet exit, without confirmation
    File View
        C-f                           View the next file
        C-b                           View the previous file


    How to add subsections in 'for xml' sql statement

        O.OrderID AS '@OrderID',
        O.OrderDate AS '@OrderDate',
                OD.ProductID AS '@ProductID',
                OD.Quantity AS '@Quantity'
            FROM OrderDetails OD
            WHERE OD.OrderID = O.OrderID
            FOR XML PATH('OrderDetail'), TYPE
        ) AS 'OrderDetails'
    FROM Orders O
    FOR XML PATH('Order'), ROOT('Orders')


      <Order OrderID="1" OrderDate="2023-01-01">
          <OrderDetail ProductID="101" Quantity="3" />
          <OrderDetail ProductID="102" Quantity="2" />
      <!-- More Order elements -->

    there is a way to have OrderDetail as elements:

        O.OrderID AS '@OrderID',
        O.OrderDate AS '@OrderDate',
                OD.ProductID AS 'ProductID',
                OD.Quantity AS 'Quantity'
            FROM OrderDetails OD
            WHERE OD.OrderID = O.OrderID
            FOR XML PATH('OrderDetail'), TYPE
    FROM Orders O
    FOR XML PATH('Order'), ROOT('Orders')
      <Order OrderID="1" OrderDate="2023-01-01">
      <!-- More Order elements -->


    sql server studio managemenet studio cutting very long data from the field, how to get complete data ?

    Export Data to a File:If you need to work with a large amount of data, consider exporting the data to a file using the "Save Results As" option. This way, you can save the complete data to a file and view it externally.

    create report with max length of elements in json array

    this script will create table of max length of array fields in test.txt json file.
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"> </script>
    var d1;
    var mt ={};
    var md ={};
        $(function() {
       $.getJSON('/test.txt', function(data) {
            for (let i = 0; i < d1.length; i++) {       
                let ob=d1[i];
                for (prop in ob) {
                    if (!mt[prop]){
                    if (mt[prop] < ob[prop].length){
                        let s=ob[prop];
                        mt[prop]= s.length; 
                        md[prop]= s;
                    //  console.log(prop + "has value: " + ob[prop]);
            for (prop in mt) {
              var tblRow = "<tr>" + "<td>" + prop + "</td>" +
               "<td>" + mt[prop] + "</td>" + "<td>" + md[prop] + "</td>" + "</tr>"
               $(tblRow).appendTo("#userdata tbody");
    <div class="wrapper">
    <div class="profile">
       <table id= "userdata" border="2">
                <th>field name </th>
                <th>max length</th>
    you can install LiveServer VsCode plugin in order to get this html working also I would change internal code a little to accommodate digital values and possible nulls and -1 to indicate field doesn't have value , here is my script
    var d1;
    var mt ={};
    var md ={};
        $(function() {
       $.getJSON('/nutrition.txt', function(data) {
            console.log("loaded" +d1.length);
            for (let i = 0; i < d1.length; i++) {       
                let ob=d1[i];
                for (prop in ob) {
                    if (!mt[prop]){
                    if (!ob[prop]) continue;
                    if (mt[prop] < (""+ob[prop]).length){
                        let s=""+ob[prop];
                        mt[prop]= s.length; 
                        md[prop]= s;
                    //  console.log(prop + "has value: " + ob[prop]);
            for (prop in mt) {
              var tblRow = "<tr>" + "<td>" + prop + "</td>" +
               "<td>" + mt[prop] + "</td>" + "<td>" + md[prop] + "</td>" + "</tr>"
               $(tblRow).appendTo("#userdata tbody");

    c# wcf logging

    from here, it's not perfect, but at least i can see internal API calls:
        <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging">
             <add name="messages"
                  initializeData="c:\temp\messages.svclog" />


    google spreadsheet macros to delete specific row

    /** @OnlyCurrentDoc */
    function del() {
      var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
      var rows = sheet.getDataRange();
      var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
      var values = rows.getValues();
      var rowsDeleted = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i <= numRows - 1; i++) {
        var row = values[i];
        if (row[3] == '0ffb324737ee1cbf8c4ee2473665df9a' ) {
          // This searches all cells in columns A (change to row[1] for columns B and so on) and deletes row if cell is empty or has value 'delete'.
          sheet.deleteRow((parseInt(i)+1) - rowsDeleted);


    Enable IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility using PowerShell

    Run powershell as admin and execute following comaands
    PS C:\Windows\system32> import-module servermanager
    PS C:\Windows\system32> install-windowsfeature web-metabase


    mermaid diagram embedded into html page

    more examples here
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <pre class="mermaid">
      graph LR
          A --- B
          B-->C[fa:fa-ban forbidden]
    <pre class="mermaid">
              CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : has
              CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places
              CUSTOMER ||--o{ INVOICE : "liable for"
              DELIVERY-ADDRESS ||--o{ ORDER : receives
              INVOICE ||--|{ ORDER : covers
              ORDER ||--|{ ORDER-ITEM : includes
              PRODUCT-CATEGORY ||--|{ PRODUCT : contains
              PRODUCT ||--o{ ORDER-ITEM : "ordered in"
        <script type="module">
          import mermaid from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mermaid@9/dist/mermaid.esm.min.mjs';
          mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true });


    make winmerge.exe in git difftool

    C:\myGitRepo>git config --replace --global diff.tool winmerge
    C:\myGitRepo>git config --replace --global difftool.winmerge.cmd "winmerge.bat \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\""
    C:\myGitRepo>git config --replace --global difftool.prompt false


    Email html table from sql stored procedure:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[EmailTable]
    --  DESCRIPTION: Email table 
    --                DATE          AUTHOR                  TFS#        RELEASE
    --      CREATED:  06/30/2025    
    --     MODIFIED:  12/01/2025   
                    FROM BizTalkMgmtDbR2.dbo.adm_ReceiveLocation AS RL WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
                    INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDbR2.dbo.bts_receiveport AS RP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
                    ON RL.ReceivePortId = RP.nID
                    INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDbR2.dbo.bts_application AS APP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
                    ON RP.nApplicationID = APP.nID
                    where APP.nvcName in ('biztailapp1','biztailapp2','BizTalkApp3')
                    AND  Name Not in ('ReceivePortToIgnore1')
                    AND Disabled=-1
         SET @xml = CAST((
             APP.nvcName AS 'td',''
            ,RP.nvcName AS 'td',''
            ,RL.InboundTransportURL AS 'td',''
            ,RL.Name AS 'td',''
        FROM BizTalkMgmtDbR2.dbo.adm_ReceiveLocation AS RL WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
            INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDbR2.dbo.bts_receiveport AS RP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
                ON RL.ReceivePortId = RP.nID
            INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDbR2.dbo.bts_application AS APP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
                ON RP.nApplicationID = APP.nID
            where APP.nvcName in ('biztailapp1','biztailapp2','BizTalkApp3')
            AND  Name Not in ('ReceivePortToIgnore1')
                AND     Disabled=-1
        /* Body as the HTML table */
                SET @body ='<html><body><H3>Biztalk Suspended Receive locations:</H3>
                            <table border = "2" align="center"  > 
                            <th> Application Name </th> <th> Port Name </th> <th> Adapter URI </th><th> Location Name </th></tr>'
                SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'
        /*Execute the Stored Proc to send us the Mail using the Parameters */
                        EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='primary@email.com',
                        @copy_recipients ='secondary@email.com',
                        @subject =  'Biztalk recieve location suspended',
                        @body = @body,
                        @body_format = 'HTML' ;


    biztalk bypass certificate validation error

     I've fixed BizTalk Certificate Error.

    I found a way to bypass certificate validation error. You can add and configure "client credential" endpoint behavior  at WCF-Custom port.

    under client credential behavior-->ServiceCertificate-->Authentication

    Set certificateValidationMode="None" AND    revocationMode="NoCheck"

    under client credential behavior-->ServiceCertificate-->SSLCertificateAuthentication

    Set certificateValidationMode="None" AND    revocationMode="NoCheck"

    file rename : removing non-ascii characters from filename in linux

    this application for removing special characters for windows
    detox -r -v /path/to/your/files
    -r Recurse into subdirectories
    -v Be verbose about which files are being renamed 
    -n Can be used for a dry run (only show what would be changed)

    competitive programming: how to read problem statement

    Basic rules

    • The result of reading the statement is usually pure math model. If story helps to build correct understanding, you can keep it, but still try to discard as many unnecessary details as possible.
    • Imagine you want to tell the problem to someone else. What parts you want to tell? (According to my PM, this rule won't help you).
    • Shorter = better.
    • Simpler = better.
    • Limitations are part of problem statement. Especially small limitations, because for small data you can try all the possibilities.
    • Samples are part of problem statement. After building math model, check that you model working correct on samples, at least on small samples where you can check everything fast.
    • Notes are part of problem statement.
    • Try to find familiar patterns, maybe objects you already know something about. If you are given some connected graph with exactly one simple path between each pair of vertices, it's called tree. 4 letters instead of 12 words, see?
    • Try even harder to spot something strange, something you not expecting. That probably will be the cornerstone of the problem.
    • If there is some part of the statement you don't like, try to change that to something you like. Start with understanding the object, then simplify it. There are some problems which can be completely solved by this technique.
    • If the model you get is very big, try to split it into some pieces. It would be great if pieces are independent, like 'solve problem1, then use its answer as input to problem2 and so on'.
    • On first stages it can be useful to write your new statement. On paper. By hand.
    • Problemsetters do not write random things in statements. But why would you believe me, since I'm a bad problemsetter? I don't know, maybe you shouldn't.

    Some examples

    Assumed workflow: read the statement, try to understand and simplify it using the rules above. You don't have to read "solution" parts, but I warn you that my concept of reading statements works. I mean, "statement" parts will often contain huge hints to solution.
    In most cases I won't write step-by-step explanations how I get the final version. You can say that that's not how teaching works. I can say that you don't want to study. I'll win, because that's my blog.


    Given undirected graph, find its spanning tree with minimal diameter.


    Diameter has exactly one center. Let's fix the center, it's either vertex or middle of edge. For fixed center the tree with minimal diameter is a tree with minimal height if it's rooted at center. Run BFS to find it.


    Different math models will lead you to different solutions

    Well, only if you have some patterns of how you should solve problems. And you should have them, patterns are good, they're the fastest way to solve problems.

    Eliminating things you don't like can solve the problem

    Given a tree, all vertices are initially white. Two players, Red and Blue, take turns coloring white vertices (surprise) red and blue. The game ends when there are no white vertices left. The score of the game is CR - CB, where CR is a number of connected components on red vertices, and CB is a number of connected components on blue vertices. Red wants to maximize the score, Blue wants to minimize it. Find the score if both play optimally. n ≤ 2·105.


    The statement is clear, but we don't like the formula. Especially we don't like Ci, because they change unpredictably. What can we say about connected components after deleting some vertices of a tree? Well, they are all trees themself. What we know about trees? Number of vertices is exactly 1 bigger than number of edges. OK, so number of components in a forest is exactly number of vertices minus number of edges. We can now rewrite the formula. CR - CB = (VR - ER) - (VB - EB) = EB - ER + (VR - VB). Value in brackets is constant, it is . So now we play not for components, but for edges. Better, but still not obvious.
    We control vertices, can we somehow express Ei using only vertices? Do we have any equations expressing number of edges through vertices? Yes, we have. . But for calculating ER we should sum only degR(v), the number of red neighbors. That's bad, but let's try anyways.
    . Turns out this is true, because all RB-edges cancel out.
    So, formula for score is
    Now it is easy to see that each player should take vertex with smallest degree available at the moment.

    algorithm solving steps

    • read the bounds for edge cases
    • function calls are not free
    • unordered naive is faster than lb vector standard


    1. Clarify Questions
    2. High-level solution
    3. write out steps of your solution / pseudocode
    4. put some input and check if it works
    5. put input in here

    Framework for solving DP problems:

    1. Define the objective function
    2. Identify base cases
    3. Write down recurrence relation ( or transiotion function) for the optimized objective function
    4. What is the order of execution ? (top to buttom or buttom to top)
    5. Where to look for the answer

    competitive programming topics

    Topic List

    Category: Basics

    Category: Basics

    Title Resources
    Basic Topics 1 2 3
    Category: Math

    Category: Math

    # Title Resources Problems Template Difficulty
    1 Matrix Exponentiation 1 1 code 1
    2 FFT 1 1 code 2
    3 NTT 1 1 code code 2
    4 Online NTT 1 1 2 code 3
    5 FWHT 1 1 code 2
    6 Lagrange Interpolation 1 1 2 code 2
    7 Lagrange Interpolation with Polynomial Extraction 1 code 3
    8 Polynomial Sum 1 1 code 3
    9 Polynomial with Binomial Coefficients 1 1 code 3
    10 Subset Sum Problem 1 2 code 3
    11 Generating Functions 1 2 3
    12 Polynomial Structure 1 1 code 3
    13 Polynomial Factorization of (x^n - 1) 1 1 code 3
    14 Berlekamp Messey 1 1 code 3
    15 Reeds–Sloane Algorithm 1 code 3
    16 Linear Recurrence using Cayley-Hamilton theorem 1 code 2
    17 Linear Recurrence using Generating Functions 1 1 code 3
    18 Linear Recurrence with Polynomial Coefficients 1 code 3
    19 Linear Recurrence on Matrices 1 1 3
    20 Generating Function of a Linear Recurrence 1 code 2
    21 Gaussian Elimination 1 1 code 2
    22 Gaussian Elimination under Modulo 1 1 code 2
    23 Gaussian Elimination Modulo 2 1 1 2 code 2
    24 Determinant under Prime Modulo 1 1 code 2
    25 Determinant under Composite Modulo 1 code 2
    26 Determinant of Product Matrix 1 code 3
    27 Determinant of Sparse Matrix 1 code 3
    28 Determinant of Permutant Matrix 1 code 3
    29 Determinant of Cyclic Matrix 1 code 3
    30 Cauchy–Binet formula 1 1 3
    31 Thomas Algorithm 1 code 2
    32 Inverse of a Matrix code 3
    33 Inverse of a Matrix modulo 2 1 code 3
    34 Basis Vector 1 1 code 2
    35 Basis Vector Reduced Row Echelon Form. 1 1 code 2
    36 Basis Vector ft Weighted Linearly Independent Vectors. 1 code 2
    37 Permanent of a Matrix 1 code 2
    38 All Possible Perfect Matching XOR Values 1 code 2
    39 Hafnian of a Matrix 1 1 code 3
    40 Vandermonde Matrix 1 1 code 3
    41 Freivalds Algorithm 1 code 3
    42 Characteristic Polynomial Faster / Hesserberg Matrix 1 1 code 3
    43 Faulhaber's Formula Fastest 1 1 code 3
    44 Lagrange Multiplier 1 1 2 code 3
    45 Titu's Lemma 1 2 1 2 2
    46 Simplex Algorithm 1 1 code 3
    47 Integration 1 code code 2
    48 Line Integral 1 2 2
    49 The Slime Trick 1 1 2 3
    50 Gauss's Eureka Theorem 1 1 2
    51 LTE Lemma 1 1 2
    52 Expected Value 1 1
    53 Expected Value Powers Technique 1 2
    54 Finite Field Arithmetic Binary 1 1 code 2
    55 Max Convolution between Convex Funtions code 2
    Category: Number Theory

    Category: Number Theory

    # Title Resources Problems Template Difficulty
    56 Binary Exponentiation 1 1 1
    57 Modular Inverse 1 1 1
    58 Sieve 1 1 code 1
    59 Sieve upto 1e9 1 code 3
    60 Extended Euclid 1 code 1
    61 Combinatorics Basics 1 code 1
    62 Lucas Theorem 1 code 1
    63 nCr Modulo Any Mod 1 2 1 code 2
    64 Prefix Sum Queries of nCi 1 2 code 2
    65 Sum of nCi over a Fixed Congruence Class 1 code 2
    66 "Sum of nCr(a(i) k) for each k from 1 to n" 1 2 code 2
    67 Sum of nCi for a Fixed Large n 1 code 3
    68 Phi Function 1 code 1
    69 Power Tower 1 1 2 code 2
    70 Mobius Function 1 1 code 1
    71 CRT 1 1 2 3 4 code 1
    72 Linear Congruence Equation 1 code 1
    73 Pollard Rho 1 1 code 2
    74 Primitive Root 1 1 code 2
    75 Multiplicative Order / Carmichael's Lambda Function 1 1 code 2
    76 Discrete Log 1 1 2 code 2
    77 Discrete Root 1 1 code 2
    78 Discrete Root in O(p^(1/4)) using Tonelli-Shanks Algorithm 1 1 code 3
    79 Number of Distinct Kth Powers Modulo n 1 code 3
    80 Number of Solutions to x^2 = 1 mod m 1 1 code 2
    81 Tonelli Shanks Algorithm 1 1 2 code 3
    82 Pells Equation 1 2 1 code 3
    83 Linear Diophantine Equation with Two Variables 1 1 code 1
    84 Trivariable Linear Diophantine Equation with Nonnegative Solutions 1 1 code 3
    85 Multivariable Linear Diophantine Equation with Nonnegative Solutions 1 1 2 code 3
    86 Linear Diophantine With N Unknowns and Two Equations 1 code 3
    87 Floor Sum of Arithmetic Progression 1 1 2 code 2
    88 Generalized Floor Sum of Arithmetic Progression 1 1 code 3
    89 Sum of Floors code 1
    90 Number of Nonnegative Integer Solutions to ax+by ≤ c code 3
    91 Number of ax % p in a Range code 3
    92 Smallest Nonnegative Integer x s.t. l ≤ ax % p ≤ r 1 2 code 3
    93 Prime Counting Function 1 1 2 code 2
    94 K Divisors 1 2 code 3
    95 Smallest Number Having Exactly K Divisors 1 code 2
    96 Sum of The Number of Divisors in cbrt(n) 1 code 3
    97 Linear Sieve for Multiplicative Functions 1 code 1
    98 Min_25 Sieve 1 2 3 1 2 code 3
    99 Mobius Inversion 1 1 2 2
    100 Dirichlet convolution 1 2 1 2 3 code 2
    101 Number of Solutions to a Basic Linear Algebraic Equation 1 1 code 1
    102 Number of Solutions to a Basic Linear Algebraic Equation with Variable Upper Bound Constraints 1 1 2 3 code 3
    103 Partition Function 1 1 code 3
    104 Stirling Number of the First Kind for Fixed n 1 1 code 2
    105 Stirling Number of the First Kind for Fixed k 1 code 3
    106 Stirling Number of the Second Kind for Fixed n 1 1 code 2
    107 Stirling Number of the Second Kind for Fixed k 1 1 code 3
    108 Bell Number 1 code 2
    109 LCM of Fibonacci Numbers 1 1 code 2
    110 Phi Field 1 2 code 2
    111 Pisano Period 1 1 2 code 3
    112 Rational Approximation / Stern-Brocot Tree 1 2 3 1 code 3
    113 Factoradic Number System 1 1 code 2
    114 Intersection of Arithmetic Progressions 1 code 1
    115 Continued Fractions 1 2 1 code 2
    116 Maximum Coprime Product 1 code 2
    Category: Graph Theory

    Category: Graph Theory

    # Title Resources Problems Template Difficulty
    117 DFS and BFS 1 2 1 1
    118 0/1 BFS 1 1 1
    119 Dial's algorithm 1 2
    120 Inverse Graph 1 1 2 code 1
    121 LCA 1 1 code 1
    122 LCA in O(1) 1 1 code 2
    123 SCC 1 1 code 1
    124 Incremental SCC 1 2 3
    125 DFS Tree 1 1
    126 Rerooting Technique 1 1
    127 Articulation Bridges and Bridge Tree 1 2 1 2 code 1
    128 Online Articulation Bridges 1 code 3
    129 Strong Orientation 1 1 1
    130 Articulation Points. 1 1 code 1
    131 Block Cut Tree 1 1 code 2
    132 Three Edge Connectivity 1 1 2 code 3
    133 Four Edge Connectivity 1 3
    134 Dynamic K-Connectivity 1 3
    135 Prim's MST 1 1 code 1
    136 Krushkal's MST 1 1 code 1
    137 Steiner Tree Problem 1 1 code 2
    138 Boruvka's Algorithm 1 1 code 2
    139 Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree 1 1 2 code 3
    140 Manhattan MST 1 code 3
    141 Euclidean MST 1 3
    142 Directed MST 1 1 code 3
    143 Dynamic MST 1 1 code 3
    144 Dijkstra's Algorithm 1 1 code 1
    145 Dijkstra on Segment Tree 1 code 2
    146 Bellman Ford 1 1 code 1
    147 Floyd Warshall 1 1 code 1
    148 Johnsons Alogrithm 1 1 code 2
    149 SPFA 1 1 code 1
    150 Cycle Detection 1 1 code 1
    151 Minimum Weight Cycle For Each Vertex 1 code 2
    152 Minimum Weight Cycle For Each Edge 1 code 2
    153 Dominator tree 1 1 code 2
    154 2 SAT 1 1 2 code 1
    155 3 SAT code 3
    156 Maximum Clique 1 2 1 code 1
    157 Number of Different Cliques code 2
    158 Maximum Independent Set 1 code 1
    159 Eulerian Path on a Directed Graph 1 1 code 1
    160 Eulerian Path on an Undirected Graph 1 1 code 1
    161 Path Union 1 2 code 2
    162 Path Intersection 1 code 2
    163 Virtual Tree 1 1 2 3 code 2
    164 Welsh-Powell Algorithm 1 2 2
    165 Chromatic Number 1 1 code 1
    166 Chromatic Polynoimial ft Number of DAGs 1 code 3
    167 Dynamic DAG Reachability 1 1 code 3
    168 Minimum Mean Weight Cycle 1 code 3
    169 Number of 3 and 4 length Cycles 1 code 3
    170 Counting Labeled Graphs 1 code 1
    171 Chordal Graph 1 1 code 2
    172 Cactus Graph 1 2 1 2
    173 Edge Coloring of Simple Graph 1 2 code 3
    174 Edge Coloring of Bipartite Graph code code 3
    175 Dynamic Diameter Online 1 code 3
    176 Tree Orientation to Maximize Pairs of Reachable Nodes 1 1 code 3
    177 Number of Arborescences with n Nodes code 2
    178 Kirchoffs Theorem ft Number of MSTs 1 1 code 2
    179 Tuttes Theorem ft Arborescences in a Graph 1 1 code 2
    180 BEST Theorem 1 2
    181 System Of Difference Constraints 1 1 code 2
    182 Prufer Code 1 1 code 1
    183 Number of Ways to Make a Graph Connected 1 1
    184 Tree Isomorphism 1 1 2 3 code 1
    185 Number of Paths of Each Length in a Tree code 2
    186 Ear Decomposition 1 1 2
    187 Eppsteins Algorithm 1 1 code 3
    188 Hamiltonian Path Heuristic Algorithm 1 3
    189 Erdos Gallai Theorem 1 2
    190 Havel Hakimi Algorithm 1 2 2
    191 Dinics Algorithm 1 1 code 1
    192 Push Relabel Algorithm 1 code 2
    193 Min Cost Max Flow 1 1 2 code 2
    194 Min Cost Max Flow with Negative Cycles code 3
    195 Maximum Closure Problem 1 1 2 code 2
    196 Min Cut in a Planar Graph 1 1 code 2
    197 Max Cut in a Planar Graph 1 3
    198 Unique Min Cut 1 1 code 2
    199 L-R Flow 1 1 2 code code 2
    200 Gomory-Hu Tree 1 1 code 3
    201 Gomory Hu Tree of a Planar Graph 1 code 3
    202 Stoer Wagner Algorithm 1 1 code 3
    203 HopCroft Karp Algorithm 1 code 1
    204 Kuhns Algorithm 1 1 code 1
    205 Hungarian Algorithm 1 1 code 1
    206 Blossom Algorithm 1 1 code 2
    207 Blossom Algorithm Weighted 1 code 3
    208 Chinese Postman Problem 1 1 code 1
    209 ST-numbering 1 code 3
    210 POSET ft Dilworths and Mirskys Theorem 1 2 1 2
    211 Stable Marriage Problem 1 1 code 2
    212 Halls Theorem 1 1 1
    213 Maximum Density Subgraph 1 1 code 3
    214 Randomized Matching code code 2
    215 Number of Perfect Matchings in a Graph 1 1 code 3
    216 Planarity Check 1 2 3
    Category: Data Structures

    Category: Data Structures

    # Title Resources Problems Template Difficulty
    217 Segment Tree 1 1 2 code 1
    218 Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation 1 1 2 code 1
    219 Persistent Segment Tree 1 1 code 1
    220 Persistent Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation 1 1 code 2
    221 Dynamic Segment Tree 1 1
    222 2D Dynamic Segment Tree 1 code 2
    223 Iterative Segment Tree 1 code 1
    224 Segment Tree ft Arithmetic Progressions 1 code 1
    225 Segment Tree Merging 1 1 code 2
    226 Segment Tree Beats 1 1 code 3
    227 Merge Sort Tree 1 1 1
    228 Wavelet Tree 1 1 code 1
    229 Sparse Table 1 1 code 1
    230 Disjoint Sparse Table 1 1 code 2
    231 Sparse Table 2D 1 1 code 2
    232 BIT 1 1 code 1
    233 Lower bound on BIT 1 1 1
    234 BIT with Range Update and Range Query 1 code 2
    235 2D BIT with Range Update and Range Query code 2
    236 MOs Algorithm 1 2 1 code 1
    237 MOs on Tree 1 1 code 2
    238 MOs with Update 1 2 1 code 2
    239 MOs Online 1 code 2
    240 MOs with DSU 1 2 code 2
    241 Sweepline MO 1 3
    242 Trie 1 1 code 1
    243 Persistent Trie 1 1 code 2
    244 DSU 1 1 code 1
    245 Reachability Tree/ DSU Tree 1 1 2 code 2
    246 DSU with Rollbacks code 1
    247 Partially Persistent DSU 1 1 code 3
    248 Persistent DSU 1 code 3
    249 Augmented DSU 1 code 2
    250 Queue Undo Trick 1 1 2 code 3
    251 Dynamic Connectivity Problem 1 1 code 2
    252 DSU on Tree 1 1 code 1
    253 SQRT Decomposition 1 1 1
    254 SQRT Decomposition Split and Build Technique 1 code 3
    255 Centroid Decomposition 1 1 1
    256 Persistent Centroid Decomposition 1 code 3
    257 Binarizing a Tree 1 code 1
    258 HLD ft Subtrees and Path Query 1 2 1 code 2
    259 HLD ft Persistent Lazy Propagation 1 code 3
    260 LCT 1 1 code 2
    261 Treap 1 1 code 2
    262 Implicit Treap 1 1 code 2
    263 Persistent Treap 1 2 code 3
    264 SQRT Tree 1 1 code 3
    265 KD Tree 1 1 code 2
    266 Cartesian Tree 1 code 2
    267 Rope 1 1 1
    268 Monotonous Queue 1 1 code 1
    269 BST using STL 1 code 1
    270 Persistent BST 1 3
    271 Ordered Set 1 2 1 code 1
    272 Static to Dynamic Trick 1 2 code 2
    273 Interval Set code 2
    274 Divide and Conquer on Queries 1 2
    275 Divide and Conquer for Insert and Query Problems 1 1 code 2
    276 Venice Technique 1 1 code 1
    277 Permutation Tree 1 code 3
    278 Persistent Array 1 code 1
    279 Persistent Queue 1 code 3
    280 Persistent Meldable Heap 1 1 code 2
    281 Top Tree 1 1 code 3
    282 PQ Tree 1 1 3
    283 Link Cut Cactus 1 1 3
    284 HDLT 1 3
    Category: Strings

    Category: Strings

    # Title Resources Problems Template Difficulty
    285 KMP 1 1 code 1
    286 Prefix Automaton 1 code 1
    287 Z algorithm 1 1 code 1
    288 Aho Corasick 1 1 2 code 1
    289 Dynamic Aho Corasick 1 code 2
    290 Aho Corasick ft All Pair Occurrence Relation 1 code 2
    291 String Matching using Bitsets 1 2 code 1
    292 String Matching with FFT 1 1 2 code 2
    293 String Hashing 1 1 2 code 1
    294 2D String Hashing 1 1 code 2
    295 Suffix Array 1 1 code 2
    296 Isomorphic Suffix Array 1 code 3
    297 Suffix Automaton 1 1 code 2
    298 Suffix Automaton ft Distinct Substring Queries in Range. 1 2 3
    299 Suffix Tree 1 3
    300 Palindromic Tree 1 1 code 2
    301 Persistent Palindromic Tree 1 code 3
    302 Manachers Algorithm 1 1 code 2
    303 Minimum Palindrome Factorization 1 1 code 3
    304 Number of Palindromes in Range 1 1 2 code 2
    305 Lyndon Factorization 1 1 2
    306 Main-Lorentz Algorithm 1 3
    307 All Substring Longest Common Subsequence 1 code 3
    308 Bit LCS 1 code 3
    309 Cyclic LCS code 3
    310 De Bruijn Sequence code 1
    311 LCS on RLE compressed string 1 3
    Category: DP

    Category: DP

    # Title Resources Problems Template Difficulty
    312 Digit DP 1 1 code 1
    313 CHT 1 2 1 code 2
    314 Dynamic CHT 1 1 code 2
    315 Persistent CHT code 3
    316 Li Chao Tree 1 2 1 2 code 2
    317 Persistent Li Chao Tree 1 2 code 2
    318 Extended Li Chao tree 1 3
    319 Divide and Conquer Optimization 1 1 code 1
    320 Knuth Optimization 1 2 1 code 1
    321 Substring DP 1 1 code 1
    322 Bounded Knapsack 1 1 code 1
    323 SOS DP 1 1 code 1
    324 Subset Sum Convolution 1 code 2
    325 Dynamic Submask Count 1 code 2
    326 DP over Divisors code 1
    327 Subset Sum in SQRT 1 code 1
    328 LIS Range Query 1 1 2
    329 Aliens Trick 1 1 2
    330 1D1D DP Optimization 1 1 code 3
    331 Connected Component DP 1 1 code 3
    332 Slope Trick 1 1 2
    333 Subset Union of Bitsets 1 code 2
    334 Number of Subsequences Having Product at least K 1 code 2
    335 Hirschbergs Algorithm 1 1 3
    336 Broken Profile DP/plug dp 1 2 1 2
    337 XOR Equation 1 1 2 3 2
    338 "x2 +1 trick" 1 1 code 1
    339 Open and Close Interval Trick 1 1 1
    340 Bitmask DP 1 1 1
    Category: Geometry

    Category: Geometry

    # Title Resources Problems Template Difficulty
    341 Geometry 2D Everything 1 2 3 4 1 code 3
    342 Basic Point Structure(2D) 1 code 1
    343 Polar Sort(2D) 1 code 1
    344 Basic Line Structure(2D) 1 code 1
    345 Angle Bisector(2D) 1 code 1
    346 Dist from Point to Line(2D) 1 code 1
    347 Dist from Point to Ray(2D) 1 code 1
    348 Dist from Point to Segment(2D) 1 code 1
    349 Dist from Segment to Segment(2D) 1 code 1
    350 Check if Point is on Segment(2D) 1 code 1
    351 Line Line Intersection(2D) 1 code 1
    352 Point Line Relation(2D) 1 code 1
    353 Project from Point to Line(2D) 1 code 1
    354 Project from Point to Segment(2D) 1 code 1
    355 Ray Ray Distance(2D) 1 code 1
    356 Ray Ray Intersection(2D) 1 code 1
    357 Reflection from Point to Line(2D) 1 code 1
    358 Segment Line Intersection(2D) 1 code 1
    359 Segment Line Relation(2D) 1 code 1
    360 Segment Segment Intersection(2D) 1 code 1
    361 Basic Circle Structure(2D) 1 code 1
    362 Circle Circle Area(2D) 1 code 1
    363 Circle Circle Intersection(2D) 1 code 1
    364 Circle Circle Relation(2D) 1 code 1
    365 Circle Line Intersection(2D) 1 code 1
    366 Circle Line Relation(2D) 1 code 1
    367 Circle Point Relation(2D) 1 code 1
    368 Tangent Lines from Point(2D) 1 code 2
    369 Tangent Lines from Circle(2D) 1 code 2
    370 Maximum Circle Cover(2D) 1 code 2
    371 Maximum Inscribed Circle(2D) 1 code 2
    372 Triangle Circle Intersection(2D) 1 code 2
    373 Polygon Circle Intersection(2D) 1 code 2
    374 Circle Union(2D) 1 code 3
    375 Centroid of a Polygon(2D) 1 code 1
    376 Convex Hull(2D) 1 code 1
    377 Diameter of a Convex Polygon(2D) 1 code 2
    378 Extreme Vertex(2D) 1 code 2
    379 Geometric Median(2D) 1 code 2
    380 Convexity Check(2D) 1 code 1
    381 Check if Point is in Convex(2D) 1 code 2
    382 Check if Point is in Polygon(2D) 1 code 2
    383 Minimum Enclosing Circle(2D) 1 code 2
    384 Minimum Enclosing Rectangle(2D) 1 code 2
    385 Polygon Line Intersection(2D) 1 code 2
    386 Width of a Polygon(2D) 1 code 2
    387 Winding Number(2D) 1 code 2
    388 Dist from Point to Polygon(2D) 1 code 2
    389 Dist from Polygon to Line(2D) 1 code 2
    390 Dist from Polygon to Polygon(2D) 1 code 2
    391 Maximum Dist from Polygon to Polygon(2D) 1 code 3
    392 Tangents from Point to Polygon(2D) 1 code 3
    393 Polygon Union(2D) 1 code 3
    394 Minkwoski Sum(2D) 1 code 2
    395 Geometry 3D Everything 1 code 3
    396 Basic Point Structure(3D) 1 code 1
    397 Basic Line Structure(3D) 1 code 1
    398 Plane Structure(3D) 1 code 1
    399 3D Coordinates to 2D 1 code 1
    400 Distance from Segment to Point(3D) 1 1 code 2
    401 Distance from Triangle to Point(3D) 1 1 code 2
    402 Distance from Triangle to Segment(3D) 1 1 code 2
    403 Distance from Triangle to Triangle(3D) 1 1 code 2
    404 Distance from Segment to Segment(3D) 1 2
    405 Plane Plane Intersection 1 code 2
    406 Basic Sphere Structure 1 code 1
    407 Sphere Line Intersection 1 code 2
    408 Segment Segment Intersection on Sphere 1 code 2
    409 Oriented Angle on Sphere 1 code 2
    410 Area on The Surface of The Sphere 1 code 2
    411 Winding Number 3D 1 code 3
    412 Convex Hull 3D 1 1 code 3
    413 Picks Theorem 1 2 1 1
    414 Closest Pair of Points 1 1 code 1
    415 All Pair Segment Intersection. 1 1 code 3
    416 Dynamic Convex Hull code 3
    417 Delaunay Triangulation 1 1 code 3
    418 Voronoi Diagram 1 1 code 3
    419 Half Plane Intersection 1 1 code 2
    420 Dynamic Half Plane Intersection 1 code 3
    421 Onion Decomposition 1 1 code 3
    422 Point Location 1 1 code 3
    423 Convex Hull Intersection using Minkowski 2
    424 Generating Points without Collinear Triplets 1 2
    425 Maximum Area of a Triangle from given Lengths 1 code 3
    426 Vertical decomposition 1 1 3
    Category: Game Theory

    Category: Game Theory

    # Title Resources Problems Template Difficulty
    427 Grundy Number 1 2 1
    428 Green Hackenbush on Trees and Graphs 1 2 code 2
    429 Blue Red HackenBush 1 1 code 3
    430 Games on Arbitrary Graphs 1 2
    431 Matching Game On A Graph 1 1 code 2
    432 Nimber 1 3
    Category: Miscelleneous

    Category: Miscelleneous

    # Title Resources Problems Template Difficulty
    433 Bigint code 2
    434 Two Pointers 1 1
    435 Binary Search 1 1
    436 Fraction Binary Search 1 code 3
    437 Ternary Search 1 code 1
    438 Parallel Binary Search 1 1 2
    439 Josephus Problem 1 code 1
    440 Permutation with no Arithmetic Progression 1 1 1
    441 Balanced Brackets 1 1
    442 Knight Moves in Infinity Grid code 2
    443 Bishop Placement 1 1
    444 Gray Code 1 1 code 1
    445 MEX of all Subarrays 1 code 3
    446 Dates code 1
    447 Schreier–Sims Algorithm 1 1 code 3
    448 Expression Parsing 1 code 1
    449 Randomized Algorithms 1 2
    450 K-th Root of a Permutation 1 1 code 3
    451 Matroid Intersection 1 2 3 4 5 1 code 3
    452 SMAWK Algorithm 1 3
    453 Lindstrom–Gessel–Viennot lemma 1 1 3
    Category: Important Links

    Category: Important Links

    Title Resources
    Useful blogs 1
    USACO Guide 1
    Helpful Extensions 1
    Stress Testing 1
    Problems That Will Make You Learn Something New 1
    Category: Recently Added

    BinBuilder - equivalent of StringBuilder for binary objects

    using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; ...