
powershell csv

Start-Transcript -Path result.csv
$oc = Import-Csv oldcats.csv
$nc = Import-Csv newcats.csv
#foreach($a in $oc){    
# $doc.Add($a.PrimaCatTypeName.ToLower())

#approaching :D
foreach($a in $nc){
  $v="$($a.recipe_type_id),$($a.recipe_category_id), $($a.recipe_type_description)"
  if (-not $dnc.containsKey($k)){   $dnc.Add($k,$v ) }
  if (-not $dncs.containsKey($k+"s")){   $dncs.Add($k+"s",$v ) }

#printing oldcat results
foreach($a in $oc){
   $head="$($a.PrimaCatTypeId), `"$($a.PrimaCatTypeName)`","
  if ($dnc.containsKey($k)){           Write-Host  "$head $($dnc[$k])"  ; $found.Add($k,$k)  }
  elseif  ($dncs.containsKey($k)){     Write-Host  "$head $($dncs[$k])" ; $found.Add($k,$k)  }
  else {     Write-Host  $head    }


#printing new oldcat 
Write-Host ":::New cats not found:::"
foreach($a in $nc){
  if (-not $found.containsKey($k) -and -not $found.containsKey($k+"s") ){
    $v="$($a.recipe_type_id),$($a.recipe_category_id), `"$($a.recipe_type_description)`""
    Write-Host  $v

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