
leetcode study methods

Barbara Oakley repetition method seems like a lot of work , but could be most reliable:
A.Many users of spaced repetition strive for three additional exposures to new information within the first 24 hours of learning it.
B.Following that, they aim to revisit the content daily for the next week.
C.After the first week, they make a point of revisiting the content from time to time so it doesn’t fade from memory.

Laura method 
A.Setting up education schedule - helps with motivation and consistency
B.have consitent pattern when and where you want to start working and which topic on particular day  
C.leetcoding 30 min to 1h a day max 
D.Topics: arrays,trees, graphs, strings, dfs/bfs,bit manipulations,stacks, queue

 pick two problems from the topics:
 20 minutes for the first problem 
 20 minutes for the second problem

Day 1: 
Work on problem from topic (solving steps aka SS ):
1.define assumptions, inputs/outputs,edge cases, potential working solution in plain english and hadwritten code 
2.translate to leetcode editor
3.compare solution to official 
4.If you cannot solve it for 5-10 minutes look for solution 

Day 2: 
Switch to second topic and do SS for problem from second topic.

Day 3: 
Quick reflection on problem from Day 1: where did u go wrong, and do handwritten solution again and retype solution and repeat all SS steps. 
Plus solve one extra problem of same topic from Day1. 

Day 4:
Quick reflection on problem from Day 2: where did u go wrong, and do handwritten solution again and retype solution and repeat all SS steps. 
Plus solve one extra problem of same topic from Day2. 

Day 5:
Quick reflection on problem from Day 3: where did u go wrong, and do handwritten solution again and retype solution and repeat all SS steps. 
Plus solve one extra problem of same topic from Day3. 

Day 6:
Quick reflection on problem from Day 4: where did u go wrong, and do handwritten solution again and retype solution and repeat all SS steps. 
Plus solve one extra problem of same topic from Day4. 

Day 7: rest and leetcode free day :).

G1.Goal is to solve problem (even with bruteforce solution)
Make most obvious bruteforce solution first  - translate to leetcode editor, fix bugs 
in next session think how to optimise solution and what are trade-offs -  
G2.practice solving problems out loud - on the interview u kinda freeze up and u need to talk out loud to let interviewwer ur thoughts  
G3.record urself answering leetcode Qs out loud or do mock interview  
G4.create club w/ur friends

test smtp server with powershell

Send-MailMessage -SMTPServer smtp.domain.com -To [email protected] -From [email protected] -Subject "This is a test email" -Body ...