leetcode study methods
Laura method A.Setting up education schedule - helps with motivation and consistency B.have consitent pattern when and where you want to start working and which topic on particular day C.leetcoding 30 min to 1h a day max D.Topics: arrays,trees, graphs, strings, dfs/bfs,bit manipulations,stacks, queue Process: pick two problems from the topics: 20 minutes for the first problem 20 minutes for the second problem Day 1: Work on problem from topic (solving steps aka SS ): 1.define assumptions, inputs/outputs,edge cases, potential working solution in plain english and hadwritten code 2.translate to leetcode editor solution to official 4.If you cannot solve it for 5-10 minutes look for solution Day 2: Switch to second topic and do SS for problem from second topic. Day 3: Quick reflection on problem from Day 1: where did u go wrong, and do handwritten solution again and retype solution and repeat all SS steps. Plus solve one extra problem of same topic from Day1. Day 4: Quick reflection on problem from Day 2: where did u go wrong, and do handwritten solution again and retype solution and repeat all SS steps. Plus solve one extra problem of same topic from Day2. Day 5: Quick reflection on problem from Day 3: where did u go wrong, and do handwritten solution again and retype solution and repeat all SS steps. Plus solve one extra problem of same topic from Day3. Day 6: Quick reflection on problem from Day 4: where did u go wrong, and do handwritten solution again and retype solution and repeat all SS steps. Plus solve one extra problem of same topic from Day4. Day 7: rest and leetcode free day :). Tips: G1.Goal is to solve problem (even with bruteforce solution) Make most obvious bruteforce solution first - translate to leetcode editor, fix bugs in next session think how to optimise solution and what are trade-offs - G2.practice solving problems out loud - on the interview u kinda freeze up and u need to talk out loud to let interviewwer ur thoughts G3.record urself answering leetcode Qs out loud or do mock interview G4.create club w/ur friends
"This file requires a newer version of Anki" apkg error resolved
Unfortunately, anki software just jammed all those fields into one field the database with some kind of separator.Which is a very messy way to store data. And apparently different version of Anki storing data into different database inside apkg file. Here is new version of apkg converters that reads data from correct database.
convert excel file into sql and import all data
- Here are steps how to convert convert excel file into sql and import all data
- In step 1:Click on Open input file and open excel file
- Click on Next Step button
- In step 2:Specify sql database type (sql server, mysql, sqlite)
- Click on Next Step button
- In step 3:Click on Save Result file to save SQL script
- sql script will have create table and insert instructions
- Run sql script into database tool to export data from excel into database.
powershell lambda syntax and returing multiple values from function
#function returns multiple params including lambda function test1{ param( $a,$b,$c ) return ($c, $b,$a , {param($x) Write-Host "a1$x" }) } #receiving multiple results (including lambda ) from function call ($d,$e,$f, $a2) = test1 1 2 3 #printing result Write-Host "$d $e $f" #invoking lambda $a2.invoke("inv")
windows 10 text font is too large
Here's how I fixed it on mine, thanks to G. Ortega...
"if the characters are big but windows configuration windows says that scalling it's at 100%.
the solution that worked for me was:
1.- set it to 125%.
2.- log out (windows requires it) -> log in.
3.- set it back to 100%.
4.- repeat step 2.
5.- now everything it's back to normal.
test smtp server with powershell
Send-MailMessage -SMTPServer -To [email protected] -From [email protected] -Subject "This is a test email" -Body ...
Error:The element 'Schedule' has invalid child element 'RecurrenceRule'. List of possible elements expected: 'Occurring...
Here is instruction how to make blinking text in rainmeter: 1.right click and select " Edit skin " 2.add following code to temp...
If you use Visual Studio to open a Web project that was developed for the .NET Framework 2.0, the .NET Framework 3.0, or the .NET Framework...