
Database diagram support objects cannot be installed

To resolve this error:
Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner.
To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement
to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

In SQL Server Management Studio please do the following:

Right Click on your database, choose properties
Go to the Options Page
In the Dropdown at right labeled "Compatibility Level" choose "SQL Server 2005(90)"
Go to the Files Page
Enter "sa" in the owner textbox.
Hit OK


excel compare columns for matches

  1. Select the list in column A
  2. Right-Click and select Name a Range...
  3. Enter "ColumnToSearch"
  4. Click cell C1
  5. Enter this formula: =MATCH(B1,ColumnToSearch,0)
  6. Drag the formula down for all items in B
If the formula fails to find a match, it will be marked #N/A, otherwise it will be a number.
If you'd like it to be TRUE for match and FALSE for no match, use this formula instead:

test smtp server with powershell

Send-MailMessage -SMTPServer -To [email protected] -From [email protected] -Subject "This is a test email" -Body ...