- Stop Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache service (or kill WPFFontCache_v0400.exe proc)
- Delete *.dat
from XP - %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Application Data.
Vista/Win7 - %windir%\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\. - Reboot and you should be able to use Visual Studio.
visual studio 2010 crashes on startup
how to be happy
2. Cultivating optimism: Keeping a journal in which you imagine and write about the best possible future for yourself, or practicing to look at the bright side of every situation.
3. Avoiding overthinking and social comparison: Using strategies (such as distraction) to cut down on how often you dwell on your problems and compare yourself to others.
4. Practicing acts of kindness: Doing good things for others, whether friends or strangers, either directly or anonymously, either spontaneously or planned.
5. Nurturing Relationships: Picking a relationship in need of strengthening, and investing time and energy in healing, cultivating, affirming, and enjoying it.
6. Doing more activities that truly engage you: Increasing the number of experiences at home and work in which you lose yourself, which are challenging and absorbing.)
7. Replaying and savoring lifes joys: Paying close attention, taking delight, and going over lifes momentary pleasures and wonders through thinking, writing, drawing, or sharing with another.
8. Committing to your goals: Picking one, two, or three significant goals that are meaningful to you and devoting time and effort to pursuing them.
9. Developing strategies for coping: Practicing ways to endure or surmount a recent stress, hardship, or trauma.
10. Learning to forgive: Keeping a journal or writing a letter in which you work on letting go of anger and resentment towards one or more individuals who have hurt or wronged you.
11. Practicing religion and spirituality: Becoming more involved in your church, temple, or mosque, or reading and pondering spiritually-themed books.
12. Taking care of your body: Engaging in physical activity, meditating, and smiling and laughing.
restart service remotely and copy service files bat file.
set comd=copy /V /Y /B
set srv_com=c:\tools\SysInternals\psservice.exe
set src=C:\ms_projects\mscore\EnterpriseBusinessSystem\Dev\BillingSchedule\src\Business.CustomerServices\bin\Debug\
set dest=\\development\c$\Program Files\Processing Services\
set srvname="Processing Service"
%srv_com% \\development stop %srvname%
sleep 10s
%comd% "%src%Business.CustomerServices.dll" "%dest%"
%comd% "%src%Business.CustomerServices.pdb" "%dest%"
rem %comd% "%src%*.dll" "%dest%"
rem %comd% "%src%*.pdb" "%dest%"
%srv_com% \\development start %srvname%
echo on
test smtp server with powershell
Send-MailMessage -SMTPServer smtp.domain.com -To [email protected] -From [email protected] -Subject "This is a test email" -Body ...
Error:The element 'Schedule' has invalid child element 'RecurrenceRule'. List of possible elements expected: 'Occurring...
Here is instruction how to make blinking text in rainmeter: 1.right click and select " Edit skin " 2.add following code to temp...
If you use Visual Studio to open a Web project that was developed for the .NET Framework 2.0, the .NET Framework 3.0, or the .NET Framework...