Friday dropdownlist selectedvalue

<script language='javascript'>
function getDropdownSelectedValue()
var e = document.getElementById("<%=MyDropDown.ClientID%>");
var chain= e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;

return chain;


sql today

to get today's records from table :

select * from mytable where
CONVERT(varchar(8), mydatefield, 112)=CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112)



outlook keyboard shortcuts

Switch to Inbox. CTRL+SHIFT+I
Switch to Outbox. CTRL+SHIFT+O
Choose the account from which to send a message. CTRL+TAB (with focus on the To box) and then TAB to the Accounts button
Check names. CTRL+K
Send. ALT+S
Reply to a message. CTRL+R
Reply all to a message. CTRL+SHIFT+R
Forward a message. CTRL+F
Mark a message as not junk. CTRL+ ALT+J
Display blocked external content (in a message). CTRL+SHIFT+I
Post to a folder. CTRL+ SHIFT+S
Apply Normal style. CTRL+SHIFT+N
Check for new messages. CTRL+M or F9
Go to the previous message. UP ARROW
Go to the next message. DOWN ARROW
Create a new message (when in Mail). CTRL+N
Create a new message (from any Outlook view). CTRL+SHIFT+M
Open a received message. CTRL+O
Open the Address Book. CTRL+SHIFT+B
Convert an HTML or RTF message to plain text. CTRL+SHIFT+O
Add a Quick Flag to an unopened message. INSERT
Display the Flag for Follow Up dialog box. CTRL+SHIFT+G
Mark as read. CTRL+Q
Mark as unread. CTRL+U
Show the menu to download pictures, change automatic download settings, or add a sender to the Safe Senders List. CTRL+SHIFT+W
Find or replace. F4
Find next. SHIFT+F4
Print. CTRL+P
Forward. CTRL+F
Forward as attachment. CTRL+ALT+F
Show the properties for the selected item. ALT+ENTER
Mark for Download. CTRL+ALT+M
Clear Mark for Download. CTRL+ALT+U
Display Send/Receive progress. CTRL+B (when a Send/Receive is in progress)


sql connection string port

If you want to connect to specific instance sometimes you have to specify port on which this instance running.
Port is specifying by comma in connection string like this(1362):

<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=sql-server1\qa,1362;database=db1;user id=u1;password=MyPassword;Trusted_Connection=no"/>

test smtp server with powershell

Send-MailMessage -SMTPServer -To [email protected] -From [email protected] -Subject "This is a test email" -Body ...