
tsql select from xml with xmlns

tsql select from xml with xmlns here is how to do that :
declare @document xml ='<TypedPollingResultSet0 xmlns=""><TypedPollingResultSet0><id>2</id><ProductID>M10570</ProductID><OriginalCatalog> Master Recipes HE</OriginalCatalog><Status>0</Status><DateTimeCreated>2014-10-20T11:48:10.373Z</DateTimeCreated></TypedPollingResultSet0><TypedPollingResultSet0><id>1</id><ProductID>M9519</ProductID><OriginalCatalog> Master Recipes HE</OriginalCatalog><Status>0</Status><DateTimeCreated>2014-10-20T11:48:10.373Z</DateTimeCreated></TypedPollingResultSet0></TypedPollingResultSet0>'
Select T.N.value('id[1]', 'int') as id
from @document.nodes('/TypedPollingResultSet0/TypedPollingResultSet0') as T(N)

mplayer play random file into folder

to shuffle and play random audio files in folder , create following .bat file:

cd C:\Audio\mix\
c:\tools\mplayer\mplayer -quiet -shuffle *


BizTalk Archive not available or not configured. Timeout error

Here are steps how to resolve BizTalk timeout issue and see tracked messages:

1.purge all tracking data
USE [BizTalkDTADb]
DECLARE              @return_value int
EXEC      @return_value = [dbo].[dtasp_PurgeAllCompletedTrackingData]
SELECT  'Return Value' = @return_value

2.submit  messages to BizTalk

3.After messages are placed run this job on BizTalk server in order to see messages bodies:

imagemagic add text to image

rem different types of text annotations on existing images rem cyan yellow orange gold rem -gravity SouthWest rem draw text and anno...